© by Eileen Carole

Not like it was

Nor will it ever be again

 Like it was

Was will stay in the past tense

As we find a new normal

In an unpredictable future

We find ourselves in unprecedented times

In our lifetime a deadly virus

Dictating our behavior

Mandating masks to slow the spread

Strangers become like lepers we dare not touch

Maintain distance… 6 feet of separation

 A cough or sneeze deadly

 Sheltering at home, questioning each encounter

 As necessary…or eliminated… at least postponed

But till this is over?

It’s an indefinite time

Not everyone can wait

Not everyone believes

First responder’s give and give again

 Till there is no more

The youth claim invulnerability

The old depart and make way

We in the middle are in a quandary

Wanting what was

To be as it was

 Before COVID-19
